TOP 5......Youtube Channels!

Hi All! 

Something a bit different today :) 

I thought i would take a leaf out of Zoella's book (you MUST know who Zoella is!) and start a "Top 5" series! I'm thinking one a week :)

Normally beauty related of course, but i will add a few different random Top 5's into the mix :) 

Starting with my Top 5 Youtube Channels! Counting down from 5 to 1 :) 

Here goes :) 

5. Zoella!! 
Zoella is probably the most well known Youtuber on this list, if you don't know who she is where the blooming heck have you been? hehe! 
Her channel is over 5 million subscribers strong and i think that is down to the fact she is just an everyday girl, so many people can relate to her, she has shared her experiences with anxiety and has therefore no doubt helped thousands and thousands of young people! 
Her videos mainly consist of beauty reviews, hair and make up tutorials and monthly favorites with many other really fun videos thrown in too! 
You can check her out by clicking here!!
She also has a blog so check that out by clicking here :)!
Here is one of my favorite videos from Zoella! 

4. Essiebutton
Soooo Essiebutton is my most recent Youtube discovery! 
Essie is 23 and originates from Canada but has lived in the UK a good few years now with her Boyfriend. 
Again Essie's channel is a beauty channel but also throws random videos in such as "Favorite Books"
She has a really fun personality and is really likable and i always get excited when she uploads a new video :)
You can check out her channel by clicking here!
Here is one of her recent videos! 

3. Sprinkle Of Glitter
Ok, if you watch Zoella's videos or vlogs you may know who Sprinkle Of Glitter is! 
Sprinkle Of Glitter or Louise as she is actually called is a really funny, lovable and relatable mum of 1 who makes beauty videos, craft videos and again random videos! 
I find her absolutely hilarious and her daughter (Baby Glitter!) is just so cute! She comes across really normal and makes the best videos! If you are ever down and need a laugh / want to smile then just watch one of her videos! You will be feeling better in no time! 
You can check out her fab channel here!
She also has a really really good blog which you can check out here :)!
Here is an example of one of her videos :)

2. Beautycrush
Ooooo so we are getting close to finding out who is number one.... ooooo can you feel the tension building... i know i can!! 
Ok maybe a little dramatic there but my number 2 Youtube channel has got to be Beautycrush aka Sammi! 
Sammi is a 20 something who currently lives in London with her boyfriend and her french bulldog "Captain Riley" 
The thing that really draws me to watching her videos is the fact i see a lot of me in her! 
She LOVES tattoos like myself and all things quirky! I think she comes across as being really fun and really cool and i find her style to be one that i really like! 
She posts a lot of fashion and style videos so if you are more interested in clothes than make up (although she also posts make up tutorials and beauty reviews) then this is the channel for you! 
I just think she is fab! 
If you would like to check her channel out then click here!
Sammi also has a blog which you can look at by clicking here :)
Here is one of her videos :)

And so we come to number one! For anyone that knows me, this will be no surprise...

1. Pixiwoo
These girls are just my idols, i adore them! 
Pixiwoo is made up of Sam Chapman and Nicola Haste (nee Chapman), 2 sisters who live in Norwich! 
Sam and Nic are extremely successful make up artists and 2 of the most lovely people i have ever met! 
I have also had the pleasure of being taught by them for a week straight, blogposts below! 
Pixiwoo is the go-to channel for make up tutorials! Anything you may need help to do, or any celebrities look you may want to copy then you can find a tutorial to match on their channel! 
They normally film separate videos but sometimes film videos together when they are doing a beauty review or a favorites video! 
If you haven't already PLEASE go and check out their channel here :)
Or go read their blog by clicking here!!
Below is a tutorial by Sam, and a tutorial by Nic :) 

So there you go! My top 5 Youtube Channels! 
Hope you enjoyed that! 
What are your favorite Youtube Channels?
Or have you got any favorite Youtubers?

Do let me know <3

Ta Ta :)




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