Pixiwoo Day 3 - Drag Day!!!

Pixiwoo Day 3 - It's Drag Day

So today was the day we got to really experiment with make up and just go wild and i know most of the group were really looking forward to today! 

Sam began by doing a demonstration on one of the other girls from the course and talked us through what we had to do in order to make a males face look more feminine. The main technique we had to use was Contouring! Now i have never really tried contouring, i do have a contour kit but have never really used it due to being a bit scared i will just look like i have a brown stripe down my face but Sam taught us how to do it and make it look more natural! 
We were also shown how to block eyebrows out by sticking them flat with a Pritstick no less!! Once the glue had set you then cover them with concealer in order to move the eyebrows further up the head! As you can imagine it looks SO strange having no eyebrows! You then use the natural brows as the new socket line! 

We got started on eachother and i got to work with my friend Becca (Link to blog below), i decided to go for a purple theme with Pink sparkley eyebrows! I found it surprisingly easy to block out the eyebrows and then i went on to draw my own pink sparkly ones on! I think i did a good job!
I then moved onto the eyes and went for a light purple right in the inner corners of the eyes and gradually got darker and darker. I then attached some large false eyelashes and moved onto the lips!
I decided to go over Becca's natural lip line and make them more pointy at the cupids bow! 
Here is my finished look:

Me and Becca didn't stop laughing all day, it was so funny seeing her like a Drag Queen!! 

Have you ever done drag make up? Did you find it as fun as i did?


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