
Showing posts from 2014

Beauty Scenario Tag!!!

Beauty Scenario Tag :) Hi Everyone :)  Thought i would do a Tag today, as i really like reading them on other peoples blogs / watching the videos on other peoples channels!!  Here goes :)  Q1: You have to get rid of all your foundations and you can only keep 1 drugstore and 1 high end. Which do you keep? Well for drugstore it would have to be  Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation , this is just my favourite Foundation ever, i love the texture and the way it feels on my skin! And its only around the £7 mark which is fab :) As for high end i don't actually own a high end foundation, but i got to use a lot of high end foundations on the Pixiwoo course and my favourite was  Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua Foundation  so i would chose that also :)!  Q2: You go for an interview and the lady interviewing you has some lipstick on her teeth. Do you ignore it and not tell her, or do you let her know? I would have to tell the lady she had lipstick on her teeth, in a polite way obviou

TOP 5......Youtube Channels!

Hi All!  Something a bit different today :)  I thought i would take a leaf out of Zoella's book (you MUST know who Zoella is!) and start a "Top 5" series! I'm thinking one a week :) Normally beauty related of course, but i will add a few different random Top 5's into the mix :)  Starting with my Top 5 Youtube Channels! Counting down from 5 to 1 :)  Here goes :)  5. Zoella!!   Zoella is probably the most well known Youtuber on this list, if you don't know who she is where the blooming heck have you been? hehe!  Her channel is over 5 million subscribers strong and i think that is down to the fact she is just an everyday girl, so many people can relate to her, she has shared her experiences with anxiety and has therefore no doubt helped thousands and thousands of young people!  Her videos mainly consist of beauty reviews, hair and make up tutorials and monthly favorites with many other really fun videos thrown in too!  You can che

Avon Haul #1

Hi All!  And so begins my beauty posts! :)  Hope you enjoyed reading about my time on the Pixiwoo Course!! (If you read them of course!) My first beauty post is an Avon Haul, these are going to be a regular feature on my blog as i order from Avon every campaign! It's my monthly treat :)  This is what i ordered this month :) I ordered this Foundation as i have used this before and it is the perfect colour for me and a good cheap foundation if you can't afford to splash out on a higher end Foundation!  I have been looking for a perfect nude nail varnish for a while now and i think i have finally found it with "Naked Truth", i ordered P809 due to liking the colour :)  This was a must for me this month as i am SO clumsy when i am applying nail polish! This just enables me to tidy up around the edges!   Now i can not sing this Face Scrubs praises enough, you can literally feel it clearing out your pores and it leaves your face

Pixiwoo Day 5 - Freestyle

Pixiwoo Day 5  Today was the last day and everyone was really sad :(, Stacey had gone to Brighton for a long weekend with her Boyfriend and Sam had gone to her Daughters sports day for the morning, so as soon as we got to the studio we decided what we wanted extra practice with and got to work.  I decided i wanted extra practice with Gel Liner and Red Lip and Bridal as these are probably the 2 most requested looks that you will get as a Make Up Artist!  I began with the Gel Liner and Red Lip look and was really happy with how it turned out, i think i have got Gel Liner down to a tee now :)!  I then moved onto Bridal and tried something a little more intense than Tuesdays Bridal Look. I still went for Shimmery, just a little darker and more intense, this is how it turned out: I'm really happy about how all of my looks turned out and i am so proud of them!  All in all i had the best week EVER and i will never forget it!  I still can'

Happy Birthday Prince George!!

A little extra blog post today :) I couldn't not blog to celebrate Prince George's 1st Birthday!  If you are one of my close friends you will most likely be aware of my Royal Family obsession!  I was one of the people who sat in front of the TV watching Sky News for 48 hours straight once learning that Kate Middleton was in Labour!  I only left the TV when i had to... (Sad i know) I was so happy and got all excited the moment they stepped out of the hospital and gave the world their first glimpse of the future King of England!  I rushed out and bought all the special editions of magazines and newspapers and still have them to this day! Below are just a handful of the ones i own!  I have enjoyed watching him grow up in front of the cameras as i'm sure many many others have also! From his Christening to the Bilby Teddy throwing incident *hahaha*  I think the Royal Family are so good for England and make me so proud to be British!  Do

Pixiwoo Course Day 4 - Period Make Up!

Pixiwoo Day 4 - Period Make Up!  Today was the day in which we learnt about all the different make up looks throughout the eras, from the 1920's to present. Nic began by doing a 1920's look on Stacey while Sam talked us through all of the different make up looks and trends and who the main inspirations were in each decade. Learning about the history of make up and what trends were in and when was so interesting and we were all sat there in awe of what we were being taught. It was then down to us to chose an era to do a look from and i chose to do a 1960's look on my friend Becca!  All make up in the 1960's was matte so there was no shimmer or sparkles just completely matte!  I decided to focus most of the attention on the eyes by doing a striking gel liner shape with a matte shadow and large lashes. This was the look i found the most difficult! I found is SO hard to get both eyes the same and applying gel liner to the eye is quite hard as

Pixiwoo Day 3 - Drag Day!!!

Pixiwoo Day 3 - It's Drag Day So today was the day we got to really experiment with make up and just go wild and i know most of the group were really looking forward to today!  Sam began by doing a demonstration on one of the other girls from the course and talked us through what we had to do in order to make a males face look more feminine. The main technique we had to use was Contouring! Now i have never really tried contouring, i do have a contour kit but have never really used it due to being a bit scared i will just look like i have a brown stripe down my face but Sam taught us how to do it and make it look more natural!  We were also shown how to block eyebrows out by sticking them flat with a Pritstick no less!! Once the glue had set you then cover them with concealer in order to move the eyebrows further up the head! As you can imagine it looks SO strange having no eyebrows! You then use the natural brows as the new socket line!  We got started on eachoth

Pixiwoo Day 2 - Bridal

Pixiwoo Course Day 2 Hi All :)  So day 2 was all about Bridal! I was excited about this as this is most probably where you are going to get most of your business from!  Nic began the day by doing a demonstration on Stacey and gave us some information on what kind of make up brands / shades we need in order to fill our kit, and lots of other information regarding payment ect.  We then got to work on the other members of the team and created our own Bridal look. I decided to do a shimmery look using the Mac Neutral Palette **which i absolutely adore btw!**  Here is how my look turned out :)  And here is what Polly did on myself :) a warm smokey eye which i loved! I don't want to give much away in case anyone reading this is going to go on the course :)  More tomorrow <3 Links Pixiwoo Youtube Channel Pixiwoo Blog

Pixiwoo Day 1 - Natural Make Up

Hello :) And so begins my Pixiwoo Course blog posts :)  I ntroduction to the Course, Sam, Nic and Stacey Me and Becca were very nervous on the Monday Morning, we forced some food down us, had a shower and set off up to the studio!  Luckily for us our hotel was only a 3 minute walk away from the studio so we didn't have much time to stress until we got to the studio, we nipped to tesco and then walked to the Studio.  As we were walking to ring the buzzer Sam was already walking in so we jumped in the lift with her up to the Pixiwoo floor (whilst having a mini fan girl moment in my brain! had to get it out while i could ha!) We walked into the studio, which is a lot smaller than i imagined and met the lovely Stacey and Nic who instantly made us feel welcome and at ease!  As the other students came in we all had a chat between ourselves and then we started the day!  Stacey, Sam and Nic began by introducing themselves and told us a bit about how they go