Midlands Attractions Company's St. Patricks' Day Family Party Night & Disco - A Review

Top of the Mornin'... or evening, or whenever you are reading this.... to ya! 

Hope everyone is doing well! 

So this weekend I travelled to Uttoxeter with some of my best friends in the world in order to visit the Uttoxeter Heath Community Center for the second event held by the Midlands Attractions Company! 

This particular event was a St Patrick's Day Family Party Night and Disco, and what an amazing night we had! 

Firstly, entry was only £5, that's right, just FIVE POUNDS! 

For this price we got a disco, a fantastic family game show AND a surprise live performer... (more on that later!)

We walked in and gave our money to the lovely Charlotte and Lee and went and found a table! 

It was a bring your own food and booze/soft drinks party so we all nipped to Tesco on the way to pick up some booze and snacks! I went for a £2 bottle of Bucks Fizz, which happens to be my favourite! HEY BIG SPENDER haha!!

The disco had already began when we got there and Alex was smashing out some amazing tunes, such as Beyonce.... QUEEN BEY! 

After around an hour the family game show started and it was such a laugh! This included games such as a dance off between the lads and myself and another lovely lady got dragged up to sing a song with a mouth guard in which was so hard to do! I was very dribbly hahaha! There were also a few guess the movie and TV show theme games too with prizes such as cans of Guinness and sweeties to be won! Absolutely fantastic and Shawn and Alex were amazing hosts! 

Once the game show ended we got down to some serious dancing to some current and very cheesy songs which fab, you can't beat dancing to some cheesy tunes can you?

Around 10pm Shawn came onto the stage and announced that there would be a surprise live performer arriving soon!

I was extremely thrilled to see Eddie King walk on stage and he performed around 8 songs and really set the party going! He was as brilliant as always and got us all dancing! If you wish to see Eddie perform, head to the Alton Towers Hotel, where he is a part of The Fabulous Scott Family! 

After the performance, yet more party songs were played and we sang and danced until the end of the night at Midnight! 

Overall this was one of the best nights I have had in a long long time and I cannot wait to experience the next event that the Midlands Attractions Company puts on! I will always support these guys and think you should too! I am so proud of Alex and Shawn and whatever they turn their hands too turns to gold! 

I have linked their Facebook page and Twitter down below along with Shawn's channel Theme Park Worldwide, please do check them out, you won't be disappointed! 

I'm going to leave you with some pictures and 2 videos of the night! 


Here are the video's from the night also, the first is mine, the second is courtesy of my best friend John :) 

Thanks for reading guys! Check back tomorrow for a brand new series starting on my Channel... Oooooh Exciting or what?!?!?!?!





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