Look back on 2015 Tag

Hello :) 

Today I am doing something a bit different :)

This is a look back on my 2015, hope you enjoy :)

1. What did you do in 2015 that you’ve never done before?
Babysat a baby! I know it sounds silly, but having a baby that isn't yours to look after is a bit scary!

2. What was your 2015 New Year’s Resolution, how did you do?
To lose weight was one of them, however; the chocolate found me and cellulite sally has moved onto my thighs and bum and got a mortgage so I don't think she is going anywhere soon ha!
Also the other was to work at blogging and Youtubing, I also failed at that one due to my confidence issues! I have made plans and sorted a schedule out for this year so I'm determined to work at it! If you don't work at what you want you are never going to get anywhere are you?

3. What would you like to have accomplished in 2015 that you didn’t get to?
Like I said in my last answer, definitely dedicating myself to my blog and Youtube!

4. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Coming out of all of the bad times stronger than I was before.

5. What was the best thing you bought?
A car :) I don't know what I would do without one now!

6. Did you travel anywhere memorable?
I went back to Dublin this year. I absolutely love Dublin, it has to be one of my favourite places in the world.

7. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2015.
Not to care as much about what people think.  I got so bogged down with worrying about how other people saw me that I lost all of my confidence!

8. If you could look back on one memory this year you wish you could relive, what would it be?
Dublin :) other than that, I wouldn't relive anything, it wasn't the best year you could say!

9. If you could change anything about the year you had, what would it be?
It's not really something I could have changed, but my struggle with depression is definitely something I would have got rid of last year.

10. Share something you’re looking forward to in 2016.
Continuing with my blog and starting up my Youtube channel :)

Feel free to do this tag on your blog and let me know when you have done it so I can have a nosey :)

Ta Ta for now!


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