Drayton Manor Visit - Sunday 9th April 2017

Good Evening All :) 

How are we all doing? Well I hope :) 

Sorry for the lack of posts recently! I've been so busy with work and filming video's that I haven't really had chance to update this :( 

So this weekend just gone, I travelled down to Drayton Manor for a day of rides! I have only been to Drayton once before and wasn't really the biggest fan, but this time it was so much fun! 

If you know me, then you know I do NOT do anything that spins or goes upside down, so that doesn't really leave you with much choice when you go to Drayton Manor! However, this time I managed to fill my time with rides for most of the day and it was so much fun!

I even went on Apocalypse twice, ON THE STAND UP, which was just mental! I just about handled the first time, but after the second time I was just a shaking mess ha ha! However, I would still go on that ride again and again!

If you like coasters, but don't really like going upside down then you are a bit stuck for choice at Drayton! Really the only Coasters you have got are Accelerator which is actually a lot of fun, The Buffalo Coaster, which is my favourite there LOL, and Troublesome Trucks in Thomas Land! Which is an amazing themed area inside the park! 

Most of the flat rides are spinny ones, but there are other fab rides such as Apocalypse (as mentioned above), the Splash Canyon Rapids and the Ferris Wheel, just to name a few! 

We had a venture into Thomas Land also and even met the Fat Controller! 

We had such a FANTASTIC DAY and I really would recommend Drayton Manor to everyone to try out! 

Hope you enjoyed this blog post, there will be another tomorrow about my trip to Alton Towers on the 10th April :) 

I'll leave you with some of the pictures from our fantastic day at Drayton Manor! 



My Instagram - Heatherlouisee


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