Barry M Nail Varnishes! My Collection :)


Wow it's been a while since I have done this! But I'm determined to keep this up and finally make some thing of myself in the beauty and *hopefully* blogging world! 

My first post in ages is going to be focused on my Barry M Nail Varnishes! 
I've finally got , y nails to grow a little so been OBSESSED with painting my nails recently so have been treating myself to a few new nail varnishes! 

Here is my Barry M Collection! 


Block Orange
Not one of my favourites! A neon orange that doesn't really translate as well as it looks in the bottle! And it needs a good 3 coats! 

This is a deep black with a Matte finish! One of my favourites in the collection! Definitely one of the best Matte nail varnishes I have used, although after a few days the finish does begin to go a little shiny! However, still one of my favourites!!

Matt White
Despite the name this isn't a Matte white! Which is quite confusing! My first white nail varnish and I am really liking it! 2 coats if applied evenly, if not it can look a little patchy so will need 3 coats! 

A lovely deep bluey purple colour, needs no more than 2 coats! Another one of my favourites! Had this for a while now and there's no sign of the dreaded gloopiness :)! 

This one is fab, a metallic silver which does what it says on the tin! Makes your nails look as if they are covered in foil! I myself think it looks brilliant!

A perfect browny nude, very understated and perfect for daytime or work time wear! 


Candy Apple

This is one of the confetti range, and personally I really really dislike this! You have to put about 5 coats on to fill your nail, it also comes out all gloopiness and dries really thick so you end up with the dreaded bed nails!!!!

Red Glitter
Gorgeous colour, only 2 coats needed! But can be a little gloopy the longer you keep it! Best use it up while its fresh! 

Aqua Glitter
As above, 2 coats and needs using pretty much as soon as you buy it! However this colour is bloody amazing! Blue and turqoise are my favourite colours so this jumped out at me as soon as I saw it! 

Pink Sapphire Glitter
This is very much a top coat, gorgeous over a lovely nude or pale pink nail varnish! Has different sizes of pink, red and silver glitter in different shapes! Perfect if you want something different! 

That's my first blogpost in forever done :) 
I hope u enjoyed reading it :)! 
All of these nail varnishes are available in Boots and Super drug and are priced between £2.99 and £3.99! 

TA TA!!!!! ♡


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