Look back at 2016 Tag

Hello Guys :)

So, my blog has been a little stagnant recently! 

2016 was a HARD year to say the least! 

But... I'm here, my Youtube Channel has been launched and im dedicated to making my Blog and Youtube channel the best it has EVER been! 

I did one of these last year, so thought i would start this year off with another Look back tag to see what has changed! 

Here Goes!!!

1. What did you do in 2016 that you’ve never done before?
Went to an event on my own and met new people who have since become some of my best friends ever! I never thought i'd have the confidence to do that!

2. What was your 2016 New Year’s Resolution, how did you do?
As was probably everybody elses, to lose weight haha :) In 2016 however, I managed to lose 3 stones! Wahoooo!!!

3. What would you like to have accomplished in 2016 that you didn’t get to?
Kept up with my YouTube and Blog... I failed miserably!!

4. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Not crashing my car for a full year :')! 

5. What was the best thing you bought?
Oh gosh, i don't know! I'm not a materialistic person, so didn't really buy myself many things!

6. Did you travel anywhere memorable?
I travelled to a lot of different Theme Parks in 2016. I am not a huge coaster fan, however; spending a lot of time with my new friends made the trips memorable! Also, myself and my Mum travelled to Palma in Majorca for a week in the sun! It was so lovely to spend a week with my mum in the sun!! 

7. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2016.
Not to give my heart to the first person who is nice to me or treats me nicely. I have done this in the past, got attached to someone and then been treated badly! I have learnt to put myself first no matter what! Look after myself and not let myself get too close to someone so quickly! 

8. If you could look back on one memory this year you wish you could relive, what would it be?
My holiday to Majorca with my lovely mum! It was so relaxing and just what we both needed! 

9. If you could change anything about the year you had, what would it be?
Wouldn't have changed anything, whatever happens adds to who and what you are! Wow.... that was deep :')

10. Share something you’re looking forward to in 2017.
Uploading more video's to my YouTube Channel, updating my Blog and seeing my friends more! 

Soooo... There you have it! 

I hope you enjoyed my insight into 2016! 

Like I said earlier, 2016 was bloody hard, however; I am positive about 2017 and looking forward to whats to come! 

Ta Ta For Now! 



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